Bryn Athyn BC is now :
Proof of Vaccination is required to play
Blog updated 8/1/22
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COVID Guidelines
Health and Safety Protocols for the protection of players, visitors and facilities.
Effective 12/10/2021 until revoked or superseded
It is the policy of the Buck-Mont Badminton Club to ensure that, within the scope if its control, all attendees to the club events are safe and following guidelines and club policies in force at the time of the event.
As a renter of multiple facilities the club will adhere to or exceed the requirements of the facilities that we rent in the interests of ensuring the continued safety of other tenants who enter and use the facility.
Nature and Scope:
Badminton is an aerobic sport. It is recognized that, in line with the CDC guidelines about the spreading of aerosols within an indoor environment, that running and exercise increase the quantity of aerosols emitted by participants. Similarly equipment (Racquets and shuttlecocks) could be vectors for transmission if shared or used inappropriately.
Unfortunately it is the nature of the game that shuttlecocks have to be held in order to commence play. Fortunately the contact amounts to one or two seconds per point.
All players wishing to play with the group are required to be fully vaccinated and certificates of vaccination must be shown before they are allowed to remain in the facility and play.
All players are required to wear medical grade masks during their visit to the facility. This includes while playing or waiting between games. Masks must be worn properly. That means they should be a snug fit and cover the mouth and nose at all times.
Casual spectators are discouraged or required to comply with the requirements of the facility.
Medical grade masks are available from the club in the event that a player does not have one or needs to replace theirs.
Sharing of racquets is strongly discouraged – players are required to have their own.
Hand sanitizing is recommended between games to limit contact transmission from shuttlecocks.
Because feather shuttles are used, the time that a shuttle is in use is short. Unlike plastic shuttles which can be used repeatedly week after week all new Shuttles come from tubes in which steam has been applied to increase flexibility and durability, this practice also provides a sanitizing aspect to the new shuttles.
Other equipment used during set up and tear down is either removed from the gym (nets) or stored in provided space (Net Stands). It is not used by other members of the public.
Social distancing is expected of club members when not on court.
Players should bring their own water bottles and these should not be shared.
On premise water fountains should not be used.
Members should not attend if any of the following apply:
Body temperature above 100.4F
A family member feels ill
Member has other symptoms of COVID
Member is awaiting the results of a COVID test
Member has been exposed to a confirmed case of COVID
Contact tracing and notification:
Players are advised and expected to quarantine if they or a family member contracts COVID. Instances of infection cannot be required to be communicated to the club members at large due to HIPPA requirements however it is expected that players will behave honorably and protect their friends and acquaintances at the club.
This information is posted upon the club website along with a banner message stipulating the masking requirement so that all new potential members are aware before they enter the facility.
Players repeatedly failing to comply with these guidelines will be asked to leave and will forfeit the right to attend subsequently.
All members of the club are provided with the current copy of this policy.